Our high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment is a non-invasive therapy to minimise wrinkles and tighten sagging skin.
Highly concentrated ultrasound energy is targeted to a calculated depth where the deep tissue is heated to a therapeutic temperature stimulating and accelerating the body’s natural ability to produce collagen.
Other therapies such as laser treatments are generally focused on the superficial layers of the skin to smooth fine lines and wrinkles and require several treatments. HIFU therapy is directed to the deep structural layers of the skin where collagen is deposited achieving longer lasting results with one treatment.
The ultrasonic hand-piece delivers the energy in concentrated dots directly into the connective tissue which can feel like little rubber band flicks. A 20% result can be seen immediately - the full effect will show within 3 months and last up to 18 months.
Ultrasonic energy is focused into the deep tissue without disruption or damage to the skin’s surface. There can be some slight sensitivity and tingling present after the treatment, however this is rare and generally lasts only a few hours. In most cases you will be able to go about your normal activities without noticeable signs of treatment.
• Pacemaker
• Metal implants in the treatment area
• Blood disorders
• Fillers or Botox in the treatment area
"I heard about HIFU through a friend of mine who referred me onto Sandi at Seven Oaks. Turkey neck as I like to call it, runs in our family and unfortunately with age it gets worse.
Image is important to me but I didn’t want to go under the knife and I’m certainly not one to put toxins into my body. This technology is known overseas but very new in NZ so I did some research and decided to give it ago. The treatment was slightly painful in certain areas but subsided after a few seconds. My skin felt tighter and I could see some results straight away.
Over the first few weeks there was limited improvement but now after 5 weeks I have noticed a big change with my turkey neck and the frown lines are a lot more subtle. Very excited to see the full results."
Seven Oaks HIFU Skin Tightening is non-invasive, long lasting and toxin free.